
Saturday, October 12, 2013

Weekly Challenge #139, Cranberry Picking, and CSA pick-up

I started the day picking up my weekly CSA order from Clear Brook Farm. I was so happy that it included a Romanesco cauliflower among the box of goodies. I love this plant! It is a pattern girl's dream veggie; it's filled with wonderful fibonacci patterning. Click on pictures to enlarge.
On to the Diva Challenge #139: 8s Parte Dos is a new tangle created by Jane Eileen and that is our challenge this week. I enjoyed creating a tile, monotangle style: using just one pattern. It was fun to make each one look a little different. I changed the size and the tangleations.

Today I got back in my kayak after being away from it for a while. My younger son and I went out to a local lake to go cranberry picking for a couple of hours. We have a good time adventuring together. As you can see, Grahame got out of his canoe to go pick. I picked from my kayak most of the time, but did get out and walk in the bog too, mostly because I love walking on bogs. I am happy to report that it didn't hurt as much this time around to get out of my kayak. Yay! I'm seeing (feeling) progress.

The cranberry plant with berries

The bog and Magic Mtn ski area
On the way home from the lake I spotted some more cairns. They seem to be popping up all over our community. Here's what I found: Click on pictures to enlarge.

What a great day!


  1. The tile is great, but the cranberry bog is awesome! You must have had a great day!

  2. Wow, just did a close up on the cairns too! What a fun thing to see!

  3. Your 8s tile is great! You are a lucky person to live in a beautiful neighbourhood like this.

  4. Lovely variations of 8´s Parte Dos! Wonderful photos!

  5. What a great collage of different ways to do 8's!
